Friday, September 26, 2014

salad nachostravaganza

Well after my last post about the tacos, I was craving them but gave B a choice.  And he asked for nachos!  So YAY!!  Here we go with yet another vegexican meal.  That's my new word.  Or maybe Vexican.  Or Mexigen.  Vegan.  Mexican.  You get it.

 So I have been anti salad lately.  Me and Braden ate them every meal for 2 months and burned ourselves out.  But I splurged the other day and went to Jason's Deli AND Mooyah with stinky.  But never ate what we got, so I was determined to eat it tonight. Braden devoured the salad, but was too full and way too cranky for very much of the main course.  He had played outside for hours and was so worn out after his bath.  The second picture perfectly depicts his mood!!!

I did put real cheese on his nachos.  I enjoy the fake stuff, but try to limit it (especially for Braden).  I'm still convinced it's what caused the migraines I started getting when I went vegetarian 7 years ago and filled my diet with nothing but unhealthy foods and soy based "fake" meats.  So I really don't want to fill my baby or myself with that.  I havent used any cheese (real or fake) this week and thought he might enjoy it. I try to keep it to once every few meals I use soy cheese and as far as the real stuff with B, this is the first time I've used it since I started. I've been blessed with a pretty awesome kid that prefers the healthy food.  I'm a lucky mama...

Later today I'll post what all I put in the nachos. Off to get the bubs!!

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